Andy Webber
A small selection of my images which I update every so often.

Thermal Infrared
These are images originally taken with a Seek thermal camera. Some of them have been modified, so they aren't really thermograms any more.

I have converted a Canon G6 to be "full specturm". I then use a variety of IR pass filters in front of the lens on an adaapter that accepts screw-on filters. I usually convert the images to monochome, but some of the images here are straight out of the camera with no post processing. Where there are two similar images, they are normally just different white balance (one set on the sky, one set on greenery).



LRPS Panel (Print)
This is my successful panel of images which was submitted to the Royal Photohraphic Society as a panel of Prints for the distinction of Licentiate (LRPS) in October 2021.

ARPS Panel (Print)
This is my successful panel of images which was submitted to the Royal Photographic Society as a panel of Prints in April 2023 under the genre of Contemporary for the distinction of Associate (ARPS). For the Contemporary genre the panel must communicate a visual realisation of a stated argument, idea or concept.